

Henry R. Playtner

Masterpiece Watches


Class Pictures


The Book



I became interested in the Canadian Horological Institute several years ago when, quite by accident, I stumbled across some technical drawings created by a student of the 1910-11 class. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to gather considerable information on both the school and the students and in some cases, have been lucky enough to speak with family members who were kind enough to provide me with both stories of the students and photographs of their masterpiece watches.

Henry Playtner left no records, no published curriculum and no list of graduates. Tracking the information I have found to date has been a slow and painstaking process and it is just a fraction of the material that is out there. I am seeking help in locating school circulars, class photos, pictures of masterpiece watches or any other empherma related to Playtner and the school. I hope to publish a book in the next year or so and would appreciate talking to anyone who might have further information or material from the school. I would gladly pay for originals or good quality scans or copies for my research. As well, if you know of someone who attended the school or had a family member who did, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to talk to you and share any information I may have found on your relative.

My interest in this project is solely to preserve all aspects of the history of the Canadian Horological Institute by collecting and recording valuable historical records. As time passes, memories begin to fade and history dies away, so I am hopeful that this research will enable the CHI to live on in history and honour the memory of the brilliant Henry R. Playtner, his school and his many students.

Please contact me by email at CHI_Information@yahoo.ca.

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